Sunday, May 29, 2011

20,000 Illustrations Under the Sea

I recently finished an illustration fundamentals course taught at PNCA by local artist Ryan Bubnis. We were given many options for our final project and after much deliberation I decided to go with designing a cover for a classic novel. Curiously I decided to do 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne. Curious because I've never read the book. I decided that this was to my advantage, recalling Eastern European film posters for American movies that I've seen. You know, the ones where it's obvious that the artist has never seen the film? These often yield spectacular results, so I thought the same could be true for mine.

Part of my reason for taking this class was to push myself to think about art and illustration in different ways. To get out of my comfort zone a bit. Having always loved the simplicity of mid-century book covers I decided that I wanted to take a stab at it for myself. This really forced me to boil down the plot of the book to it's core elements, and play with those to maximum effect. Below is my final piece:

There are a few different incarnations that I'll post in the coming days, but ultimately this is the design I settled on. If I had more time I would have liked to play around with rendering it in more traditional media, but for now this is what I have. What do you guys think? Would YOU buy this book?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i would download this book